Gothic Hand Project

Classwork: For classes 28-30

We will be working on our final project, which will be a name design. You will be writing your full first, middle, and last name in the Gothic hand.

Step one: begin writing your name on lined paper, you will be using a 5mm pen, so each name should be on its own line.  Keep in mind:

  • Keep your letters evenly spaced
  • Keep your pen strokes uniform
  • keep your letters the same height

Step two: cut out each line of your name, and tape them to a piece of paper.  Make sure that it’s straight.

Step three: using the light box, trace your name onto a piece of calligraphy paper, which will be a 6″x24″ surface. Make sure there is an even amount between the names.

Step four: Choose a design, or picture to draw (free hand) to embellish the boarder around your name.  Outline in a thin sharpie marker, and color in using colored pencils.

If you are interested in seeing how I will be grading this project please click the link below. You can check back through out the art making process to make sure you are on task: Calligraphy Rubric

Student Example:

Gothic Hand Project



Designed by Lindsey Almeida

Last Update: 04/21/2015

MSET: This project contains academic projects meant for student learning. This site is not for profit and does not imply endorsement by any company or educational institution.


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